Installation patches and updates for old versions of HVE, HVE-2D or HVE-CSI may be downloaded from the list below. Be sure to only download files that match the licensed version of your old HVE, HVE-2D or HVE-CSI software that you intend to use.  

Version 2023 Downloads

Date Posted
Version 2023 - This version contains several new enhancements and updates for HVE and HVE-2D, and HVE-CSI users:
  • Search your vehicle databases to quickly find the vehicle you want.
  • Use the Vehicle Wizard for any vehicle. 
  • Translate, rotate, and scale your vehicle geometry in the Vehicle Editor. 
  • Quickly refresh your vehicle geometry file if a change was made outside of HVE.

There have been several other user interface improvements, including the height of the Variable Selection dialog for Key Results and Variable Output, the height of the Driver Controls dialogs and table entries, and the size and colors used in the Variable Output graph.

2-D programs will automatically run in Total Mass mode and 3-D programs will automatically run in Sprung Mass mode. Regardless of the setting in HVE, the program will run in the correct mode behind the scenes! Why leave the setting at all? This allows you to enter and review data in either mode, which is especially helpful in the vehicle editor.

SIMON and DYMESH have numerous enhancements:

  • The tires and wheels can interact with the environment using DyMESH. Potential uses include tire / wheel impacts during rollovers and curb strikes.
  • The DyMESH wheel damage option has a start time per wheel. 
  • The wheel can be manually moved when the DyMESH damage option is being used. 
  • The Radial Spring tire model option has a start time per wheel. 

Read the accompanying Release Notes for a complete description of the changes.

NOTE: This download requires a new license. Please contact EDC Technical Support for assistance.

Click on the following link to download the full installation:

7 Feb 2023

Version 2021 Downloads

Date Posted

Version 2021 SP2 - This version contains several updates for HVE and HVE-2D, and HVE-CSI users, including:

  • An option to automatically cycle the color of new vehicles was added under User Preferences.
  • The user interface for Damage Studio has been updated.

Read the accompanying Release Notes for a complete description of the changes.

NOTE: This download requires a new license. Please contact EDC Technical Support for assistance.

Click on the following link to download the full installation:

 7 Nov 2022

Version 2021 SP1 - This version contains several new enhancements and updates for HVE and HVE-2D, and HVE-CSI users, including:
  • An option to allow a user to specify a screen resolution setting was added to Options->Preferences. The options are Auto Detect, Small, Medium, or Large.  
  • The Units, Vehicle Dimension Basis, and Auto Backup settings can be changed by clicking on the indicator located in the lower right section of the Status Bar.

Read the accompanying Release Notes for a complete description of the changes.

NOTE: This download requires a new license. Please contact EDC Technical Support for assistance.

Click on the following link to download the full installation:

4 May 2022
Version 2021 - This version contains several new enhancements and updates for HVE and HVE-2D, and HVE-CSI users, including:
  • Enter a time directly into the playback toolbar to jump to that time in a simulation.
  • Start times for DyMESH and the DyMESH Environment option are available to help reduce simulation times.  
  • An option was added to DyMESH to allow contact between a tow vehicle geometry and its trailer geometry was added.
  • Vehicles with no axles can be added to SIMON simulations.
  • The contact detection algorithm used by SIMON is more robust. 
  • The DeltaV and PDOF values reported in Damage Studio and Damage Data Reports for EDSMAC4 and SIMON have been updated.
  • There is a new semi-empirical tire model available in SIMON. 

Read the accompanying Release Notes for a complete description of the changes.

NOTE: This download requires a new license. Please contact EDC Technical Support for assistance.

Click on the following link to download the full installation:

5 Aug 2021

 Version 2020 Downloads

Date Posted
Version 2020 SP2 - This version contains several new enhancements and updates for HVE and HVE-2D, and HVE-CSI users, including:
  • Vehicle Geometries - An checkbox as added to the User Preferences dialog giving users the option to store vehicle geometries internal to the case file. This works for prodution files (.hve) and distribution files (.hvp).
  • SIMON - Towed vehicle velocities and sideslip can be entered independent of the tow vehicle. If the towed vehicle velocity is left as '0' it will use the tow vehicle velocities in the same manner as previously. This allows users to start simulations with towed vehicles already sideslipping.  
  • SIMON - An entry box for the minimum time when a connection failure can occur was added to the Calculation Options menu. This will prevent a connection from failing due to high forces/moments during earlier timesteps. .

Read the accompanying Release Notes for a complete description of the changes.

NOTE: This download requires a new license. Please contact EDC Technical Support for assistance.

Click on the following link to download the full installation:

17 Feb 2021
Version 2020 SP1 - This version contains several new enhancements and updates for HVE, HVE-2D, and HVE-CSI users, including:
  • Window Positions - A button called "Reset Defaults" has been added to the Technical Support dialog launched from the Help menu. This will reset the positions of the various dialog windows within HVE to their original positions. This is useful if you are unable to locate a dialog for example when switching from a two monitor to a one monitor setup. 
  • Reports - A checkbox was added to the User Preferences dialog to allow users to choose if the date/time information should be included when reports are printed from the Playback Editor. 
  • EDSMAC4/SIMON - Termination velocity conditions have been updated so that if the termination linear and angular velocities are set to zero, the simulation will not terminate when all vehicles are stopped. This allows all vehicles to be stopped at the beginning of a simulation and all vehicles to stop during a simulation without the simulation terminating. A stopped vehicle is still free to move as a result of throttle application or an impact. 
  • EDSMAC4/SIMON - The stopped vehicle conditions have been updated to reduce or eliminate sliding when vehicles are stopped. 
  • EDSMAC4/SIMON - The calculation used to determine Delta-V in the Damage Data report was updated to be consistent with the numerical integration procedure.

Read the accompanying Release Notes for a complete description of the changes.

NOTE: This download requires a new license. Please contact EDC Technical Support for assistance.

Click on the following link to download the full installation:

22 Dec 2020
Version 2020 - This version contains several new enhancements and updates for HVE, HVE-2D, and HVE-CSI users, including:
  • Frames - An option to render to frames has been added to the Video Setup. The image frames can be imported into video editing software to make custom movies from HVE simulations. The image frames can also assist users when making diagrams from their HVE simulations.
  • Saving Movies/Frames - You will now be able to uniquely name a rendered movie and frames. This allows users to choose a unique filename prior to rendering the movie, making it easier to render multiple movies and/or frames with a different simulation, series of simulations or video settings. You will also be able to choose the folder to save your movies and frames.
  • Frame Rate - The video frame rate can now be set to any value between 1 fps and 1000 fps. Previously the lowest frame rate was 30 fps and highest frame rate was 300 fps.

Read the accompanying Release Notes for a complete description of the changes.

NOTE: This download requires a new license. Please contact EDC Technical Support for assistance.

Click on the following link to download the full installation:

22 Sep 2020

 Version 2019 Downloads

Date Posted
Version 2019 - This version contains several new enhancements and updates for HVE and HVE-2D users, including:


  • HVE 2019 includes two new tools for environment terrains created using point clouds:
    • Scissors - This tool allows you to cut out a section of an overly dense point cloud terrain and separate the "driving surface" from the remainder of the environment.
    • Decimation - This tool allows you to reduce and smooth the driving surface. This, in turn, allows you to greatly reduce the polygon count for the driving surface. It also removes the typical noise from the driving surface but keeps the curbs and potholes.
  • Another change allows EDSMAC4 to use the actual vehicle mesh in the calculation of collision force, instead of just using the simple rectangle based on vehicle exterior dimensions.

Read the accompanying Release Notes for a complete description of the changes.

NOTE: This download requires a new license. Please contact EDC Technical Support for assistance.

Click on the following link to download the full installation:

19 Dec 2019

 Version 2018 Downloads

Date Posted
Service Pack 2 - This download provides several bug fixes for the original release of HVE 2018 and HVE-2D 2018, along with several new enhancements and updates including:

  • Larger toolbar icons for ultra hi-resolution monitors
  • Nine new vehicle models and six new tires in the EDC Vehicle Database
  • Enhancements to the HVE Driver Model and Steer Degree of Freedom Model
  • The length of diiver control tables (steering, throttle and braking) is now unlimited

Read the Release Notes for the complete description of the changes.

NOTE: This download does not require your computer to have any version of HVE already installed. Service Pack 2 does require a new license. Please contact EDC Technical Support for assistance.

Click on the following link to download the file:

30 May 2019
Service Pack 1 - This download provides several bug fixes for the original release of HVE 2018 and HVE-2D 2018 including issues when opening older case files, graphics subsystems problems with 2-D text and also driver table entry issues. Read the Release Notes for the complete description of the changes.

NOTE: This download does not require your computer to have any version of HVE already installed. Service Pack 1 does not require a new license.

Click on the following link to download the file:

14 Jan 2019
Version 2018 - This version contains several new enhancements and updates for HVE, HVE-2D and HVE-CSI users, including:


  • HVE 2018's new 64-bit architecture allows you to import an environment from a point cloud and drive on it.
  • Larger file sizes are now possible as the 2 GB file size limit no longer exists.
  • UNDO! The 3-D Editor is now more forgiving of user mistakes. Just press Undo.
  • There is a totally new built-in Help system to assist you in navigation.

Read the accompanying Release Notes for a complete description of the changes.

NOTE: This download requires a new license. Please contact EDC Technical Support for assistance.

Click on the following link to download the full installation:


Please download one of the 2018 Service Pack versions above.
8 Oct 2018

 Version 2017 Downloads

Date Posted
Service Pack 1 - This download provides several bug fixes for the original release of HVE 2017 and HVE-2D 2017 including corrections to displayed units, improvements to Damage Studio crush depth reporting, the environment file reader and also memory management when using aerial images as environments. Read the Release Notes for the complete description of the changes.

NOTE: This Service Pack release requires that your computer has HVE 2017 or HVE-2D 2017 already installed. It does not require a new license.

Click on the following link to download the file:

30 Apr 2018
Version 2017 - This version contains several new enhancements and updates for HVE, HVE-2D and HVE-CSI users, including:


  • DyMESH now uses a new algorithm that greatly improves the simulation of crush depth for vehicle-to-vehicle collisions that involve vehicles with different stiffnesses. This new method is available in the DyMESH Options dialog by selecting DyMESH Version 4.
  • Terrain geometry imported from a VRML file may now be edited, scaled and rotated.
  • Memory management in the Environment and Event Editors has been greatly improved.

Read the accompanying Release Notes for a complete description of the changes.

NOTE: This download requires a new license. Please contact EDC Technical Support for assistance.

Click on the following link to download the full installation:

2 Feb 2018

 Version 2016 Downloads

Date Posted
Physics Update for Service Pack 5 - This Physics Update is to correct an issue with the calculation of the rotational inertia of the steering system for SIMON and EDSMAC4 simulations using the Steer Degree of Freedom option.

Read the accompanying Release Notes for a complete description of the changes. The download contains the replacement SIMON and EDSMAC4 executable files.

NOTE: This download requires a new license. Please contact EDC Technical Support for assistance.

Click on the following link to download the update:

20 Oct 2017
Service Pack 5 - Service Pack 5 includes the new Enhanced Brake System Model that explicitly supports hydraulic and air brake systems and disc and drum brake types, 25 new vehicles and support for Intel Integrated graphics cards.

Read the accompanying Release Notes for a complete description of the changes. The download includes an installer that automates the installation process.

NOTE: This download does not require your computer to have any version of HVE already installed.

Service Pack 5 requires a new license. Please contact EDC Technical Support for assistance.

Click on the following link to download the full installation (use this link if your computer does not already have HVE 2016 installed):

26 Jun 2017
Service Pack 4 - Service Pack 4 includes an enhancement in the Environment Editor which provides a new method for applying aerial background images. It also includes a new set of tools, called the Image Tools, for manipulating (scaling, rotating and moving the earth-fixed origin) of the aerial image. (Please refer to the Fall 2016 EDC Technical Newsletter for a detailed description and a brief tutorial.)

Read the accompanying Release Notes for a complete description of the changes. The download includes an installer that automates the installation process.

NOTE: Service Pack 4 requires your computer to have HVE 2016 or HVE-2D 2016 already installed. Installation of Service Pack 4 does not require Service Pack 3, Service Pack 2 or Service Pack 1. Service Pack 4 does not require a new license.

Click on the following link to download the full installation (use this link if your computer does not already have HVE 2016 installed):

30 Jan 2017
Service Pack 3 - Service Pack 3 resolves an erroneous error message issued on computers using the Intel Integrated graphics card. Read the accompanying Release Notes for a complete description of the changes. The download includes an installer that automates the installation process.

NOTE: Service Pack 3 requires your computer to have HVE 2016 or HVE-2D 2016 already installed. Installation of Service Pack 3 does not require Service Pack 1 or Service Pack 2. Service Pack 3 does not require a new license.

Click on the following link to download the full installation (use this link if your computer does not already have HVE 2016 installed):

Click on the following link to download only Service Pack 3 (use this link if your computer already has HVE 2016 installed):

8 Dec 2016
Service Pack 2 - SP 2 builds on minor changes and bug fixes for SP 1, which was released in May. SP 2 also includes the updated DXF/DWG translator (described below). Complete details regarding the changes included in SP2 may be found in the Release Notes that accompany the update. of the changes.

NOTE: This Service Pack release requires that your computer has HVE 2016 or HVE-2D 2016 already installed. Installation of Service Pack 2 does not require Service Pack 1. It does not require a new license.

Click on the following link to download the file:

1 Aug 2016
New DXF/DWG File Translator - This translator improves HVE's ability to import additional types of 3-D mesh (surface) entities.

This download contains the DXF2IV program file, along with Installation Instructions to update an installation of HVE or HVE-2D Version 2016 without the updated DXF2IV program.

Click on the following link to download the file:

1 Aug 2016
Service Pack 1 - This download provides several bug fixes for the original release of HVE 2016 and HVE-2D 2016, including improved memory management, Key Results window sizing, payload handling and Video Creator issues. Read the Release Notes for the complete description of the changes.

NOTE: This Service Pack release requires that your computer has HVE 2016 or HVE-2D 2016 already installed. It does not require a new license.

Click on the following link to download the file:

11 May 2016

 Version 11.01 Downloads

Date Posted
Version 11.01 Physics Update - This download provides physics program update files for an HVE or HVE-2D Version 11.01 installation. Use the links below to download the correct version. Once downloaded, unzip the file and follow the instructions found within "HVE Installation Instructions.txt". Please note that this update can only be applied if you have already installed Version 11.01. If you have not already upgraded to Version 11.01, please do so before applying this update.

Select your download from the two options below:

18 Nov 2015
Version 11.01 Installations - This update addresses issues found in Version 11:


  • Please contact EDC Technical Support to determine if you are eligible to receive this update. You will need an updated license file for this new version.


Further information about enhancements and bug fixes is provided in the Release Notes.

Contact EDC for your updated license file, then use the links below to download the correct version of your software. Installation instructions are included in the zip archive.

Select your download from the three options below:

18 Nov 2015

 Version 10.11 Patch Downloads

Date Posted
Version 10.11 Patch - This patch is only for Version 10.10 users. This update addresses the following issues found in Version 10.10:


  • If an error occurred while saving the environment geometry to the case file, HVE displayed a "Resource Not Found" error message. This problem has been corrected (the correct error message is now displayed).
  • Vehicle Editor: The Vehicle Wizard for 1-Axled trailers incorrectedly calculated the rear overhang dimension. This problem has been corrected.
  • Event Editor: On Windows 8 machines, HVE would often crash when the Driver Controls dialog was selected. This problem has been corrected.
  • Event Editor: On machines with high screen resolution (e.g., 1920 x 1080), the default font size would cause truncation of data displayed in the last column of the driver control tables. This problem has been corrected (HVE now detects the current screen resolution and selects the appropriate font size).
  • Event Editor: An error occurred while saving some case files with SIMON events: If the Accident History basis was set to Force and the file was saved, when the file was opened, the Accident History Basis would revert to Acceleration. This problem has been corrected.


Further information about enhancements and bug fixes is provided in the Release Notes.

NOTE: Version 10.10 must be installed first before installing the patch files for Version 10.11. This is not a full standalone installation.

Contact EDC for your updated license file, then use the links below to download the updated HVE.exe and language.rsc files in a zip archive and extract them into the correct folder locations. Installation instructions are included in the zip archive.

Select your download from the two options below:

10 Dec 2014

 Version 10.10 Downloads

Date Posted
Updated EDVDB Vehicle Database - This file contains an updated version of the EDVDB vehicle database in HVE or HVE-2D version 10.10. This update includes the 2004-2008 Acura TL, 2003-2008 Subaru Forester 4-Dr, and the 2013-2015 Subaru XV Crosstrek 5-Dr .

NOTE: This ZIP archive file can be downloaded to your computer, and then files may be unzipped or extracted directly to their appropriate folders. Please refer to the EDVSBupdateReleaseNote.txt file contained in this download for more information.

9 Nov 2014
Version 10.10 Installation Files - This update addresses the following issues found in Version 10:


  • Please contact EDC Technical Support to determine if you are eligible to receive this update. You will need an updated license file for this new version.


Further information about enhancements and bug fixes is provided in the Release Notes.

Contact EDC for your updated license file, then use the links below to download the correct version of your software. Installation instructions are included in the zip archive.

Select your download from the three options below:

23 May 2014

 Version 9.12 Downloads

Date Posted
SIMON Version 4.12 Patch - This patch is only for HVE Users with Version 9.12. This update provides the following improvements to address issues found in SIMON Version 4.11:


  • The ABS algorithm was changed to allow simultaneous braking and heavy throttle application. This has implications for simulating events involving possible unintended acceleration.
  • The vehicle may have previously moved in reverse due to a negative drive torque if started at a very low speed and no throttle was applied.
  • The sign of the brake torque output for user-assigned wheel damage was changed to be consistent with brake torque from normal braking.
  • The brake torque calculation for slowly spinning wheels was changed to improve stability for stopped (or nearly stopped) vehicles.
  • If the user edits the Maximum Tire Deflection greater than the tire Unloaded Radius, a warning message will be displayed when the SIMON event is initiated.


Detailed information about these changes is provided in the Release Notes.

The updated SIMON.exe file is contained in a single zip archive that must be downloaded and extracted to the correct folder locations. Installation instructions are included in the zip archive. NOTE: This update is only applicable to HVE Version 9.12 installations and the user must install a new license file from EDC in order to use the updated physics program.

22 Aug 2013
Updated EDVDB Vehicle Database - This file contains an updated version of the EDVDB vehicle database in HVE or HVE-2D version 9.12. This update includes the 2010-2013 Volkswagen GTI and 1999-2005 Volkswagen Jetta.

NOTE: This ZIP archive file can be downloaded to your computer, and then files may be unzipped or extracted directly to their appropriate folders. Please refer to the UPDATE-EDVDB-DATABASE-ReadMe.txt file contained in this download for more information.

16 Aug 2013
Version 9.12 Patch - This patch is only for Version 9.10 and Version 9.11 users. This update addresses the following issues found in Version 9.10 and/or Version 9.11:


  • Saving a large case file over a network sometimes caused a crash or a corrupt file.
  • Vehicle data were not properly saved into user.db or the Version 9.10 or Version 9.11 case file database.
  • Vehicle Handling Properties dialog used an incorrect value for vehicle roll stiffness.
  • Positioning a human occupant would result in a crash if the Dimension Basis was set to Total Mass.
  • The Event Set-up, Wheel Damage, Time Duration field may have been incorrectly disabled.
  • The Video Creator did not properly manage multiple events which included a trailer separation.
  • If the Aerial Image option was used in Version 9.11, the image was displayed upside down.


Further information about enhancements and bug fixes is provided in the Release Notes.

NOTE: Version 9.10 users are not required to install Version 9.11 first before installing the patch files for Version 9.12.

Contact EDC for your updated license file, then use the links below to download the updated HVE.exe, physics executables and language.rsc files in a zip archive and extract them into the correct folder locations. Installation instructions are included in the zip archive.

Select your download from the two options below:

5 June 2013

 Version 9.10 Downloads

Date Posted
Original language.rsc File - This file is the original language.rsc file that was installed with HVE, HVE-2D or HVE-CSI version 9.10. This file can be downloaded and saved directly to the supportFiles/sys folder. NOTE: The download filename is language.rsc.910. The file will need to be renamed to just language.rsc to replace the existing file.
8 Jan 2013
EDKEY Driver Installation File - This file is the standalone installation for the EDKEY Drivers. This installation process is normally completed automatically during the installation of HVE, HVE-2D or HVE-CSI. This file is only required if EDC Technical Support specifically requests you to download, unzip and run the application to reinstall EDKEY Drivers to correct a problem with your EDKEY.
8 Jan 2013


Version 9.00 Downloads

Date Posted
EDSMAC-v5.11 & EDSMAC4-v7.32 - This update is only for HVE and HVE-2D Version 9.00 users. It addresses the following issue found in EDSMAC and EDSMAC4 installed with Version 9.00:


  • If the Total Mass Dimension Basis is selected, the Travel Distance output result is incorrect; it is not accounting for the difference between the total mass and sprung mass center of gravity location at each output time interval. This problem has been corrected. Travel Distance is now displayed correctly for both Sprung Mass and Total Mass Dimension Basis.


EDSMAC4-v7.32 includes the correction provided in the EDSMAC4-v7.31 update listed below, therefore users only need to install this update.

The updated EDSMAC.exe and EDSMAC4.exe files are contained in a single zip archive that must be downloaded and extracted to the correct folder locations. Installation instructions are included in the zip archive. NOTE: This update is only applicable to Version 9.00 installations and the user must install a new license file from EDC to be able to use the updated physics programs.

12 Sept 2012
EDSMAC4-v7.31 - This update is only for Version 9.00 users. It addresses the following issue in EDSMAC4 v7.30:


  • If the Damage Data Format option was set to Collision Data, the Crush Depth Table in the Damage Data report used a stale elevation index, potentially resulting in an incorrect set of crush depths. This problem routine has been corrected.


The updated EDSMAC4.exe file is contained in a single zip archive that must be downloaded and extracted to the correct folder locations. Installation instructions are included in the zip archive. NOTE: This update is only applicable to Version 9.00 installations and the user must install a new license file from EDC to be able to use the updated physics program.

24 Jul 2012
Original language.rsc File - This file is the original language.rsc file that was installed with HVE, HVE-2D or HVE-CSI version 9.00. This file can be downloaded and saved directly to the supportFiles/sys folder. NOTE: The download filename is language.rsc.900. The file will need to be renamed to just language.rsc to replace the existing file.
24 Jul 2012
EDKEY Driver Installation File - This file is the standalone installation for the EDKEY Drivers. This installation process is normally completed automatically during the installation of HVE, HVE-2D or HVE-CSI. This file is only required if EDC Technical Support specifically requests you to download, unzip and run the application to reinstall EDKEY Drivers to correct a problem with your EDKEY.
24 Jul 2012

For assistance with downloads, please contact EDC Technical Support at 503.644.4500  or by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..